The best way to contact ERG - Leicester is via the mobile number (a text is preferred initially as I may not be able to respond immediately depending on whether an installation is being carried out). Emailing is also a good way see our CONTACT page.
Once you have booked a survey, ERG will arrive at your property at the agreed time to carry out the assessment. Not all garages are suited to having an electric roller type door installed - this will be the first part of the assessment and you will be informed if your garage is able to accommodate one. A minute number of garages fall into this category. It's better to walk away than try to fit and large square into a small triangle!
YOU MUST HAVE POWER - these are electric roller doors and therefore need electricity. If you don't have power in the garage when ERG come out to survey, you must agree to get power supplied to the garage before the date of installation.
The survey will include discussing with the client the best options for fitting the door. The door can be fitted a number of ways, dependent on individual garage construction methods, and the best options will be put forward to the client for them to make the final decision.
Installations are available approximately 3 weeks from point of order. ERG pride themselves on their craftmenship, punctuality and tidiness. We will arrive at the agreed upon time and get to work. As long as there is power to your garage there is no need for access into any other areas of the house and the installation can take place with minimal disruptions to family life.
Once the installation is complete, the area left tidy and the client fully instructed on how to operate their brand new garage door - ERG leave knowing that there is another happy customer!